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249 total results found

Resource Management System

Training Materials for the website.

Work Authorization

Guides for the site

Inventory System

Training Guides for

Budget and Ordering System

HSC BOS is the Cores' Administration budget and ordering system. This is a replacement for the Filemaker Pro Sienna app.


Main Cores Website

Information about the Main UUHSC Website

Cell Imaging

University of Utah Cell Imaging Core

Transgenic Mouse

Mutation Generation


DNA Sequencing

Electron Microscopy

Anticonvulsant Drug Development Program

Iron and Heme

Pre-Clinical Imaging

Metal 3D Printing



Bio Resource Directory

The HSC BRD application serves as a searchable directory of biological resources available to researchers around the University of Utah.

Users Guide

The general users guide for

Managers Guide

The guide for manager actions in the system

Manager's Guide

Manager Guide for

Administrators Guide

Administrators Guide for

User Guide

Users guide for

Web Application

Mobile Application

Facility Directors Content Guide

BOS Manager's Guide


BOS Administrator's Guide


BOS User's Guide


ZT410R RFID Encoding Printer

Cell Imaging User Training Manual

Axio Scan.Z1

User instructions for the Axio Scan.Z1 in HSC Room 60


Newsletters and other information

SD2C Project Workflow

Workflow document describing how to get started on a SD2C project, how the software development cycle works, and how PIs/clients/partners can provide feedback.

Design Box



User instructions for the StedyCon super resolution confocal in CSC 32.

EVOS M5000

Wide field fluorescence imaging In CSC Room 32

Sanger Sequencing Information

Various helps for Sanger Sequencing.

Order Management

Managers Guide

Managing User Permissions

Managers Guide

Generating Reports

Managers Guide

Accessing Invoices

Managers Guide

Sending Messages / Broadcasts

Managers Guide

Auditing Charges

Managers Guide

Managing Services

Managers Guide

Data Collection Form Sub-system

Managers Guide

Managing News

Managers Guide

Quote System

Managers Guide

Instrument Details

Cell Imaging User Training Manual

Details about each instrument



Publications that cite the Cell Imaging Core

Initial Consultation

SD2C Project Workflow

Quote Creation

SD2C Project Workflow

Quote Modification

SD2C Project Workflow

Quote Approval

SD2C Project Workflow

Work Authorization

SD2C Project Workflow

Project Work Initialization

SD2C Project Workflow

Project Work Modification

SD2C Project Workflow

Project Work Completed

SD2C Project Workflow


Users Guide

The cores resource system supports 3 different login formats: System Local Login SAML Supported 2FA Login Users may login to the system using any of these methods with the following caveats: External users (users without a uNID at the University ...

Manage User Account Details

Users Guide

Users can manage their personal contact information, manage message/notification settings and set their default charge account from the "My Account" page. Update Details Change any details desired Click the "Save Changes" Button (Optional) Click the "R...

Create a Line Item / Non-Scheduled Order

Users Guide

For groups that have a user facing order forms use the following steps to create a new order. Select the Group you want to order from Select the Line Item service you want to order from Select the account you want to charge this order to. (Note: If no acc...

Create a Scheduled Event / Order

Users Guide

For groups that have a user facing order forms use the following steps to create a new order. Select the Group you want to order from Select the scheduled service you want to order from Select a starting time from the calendar and single click on the slot...

View Previous Orders / Invoices

Users Guide

To view any orders or invoices that belong to you use the following steps: Click on the "My Orders" button on the top menu bar. Select a date range Click on the Order Number or Invoice Number to view the details

Request Charge Account Access

Users Guide

All orders created in the resource management system require an account to be charged against even if that order has a zero dollar value. Accounts come in 4 types: On Campus Accounts - These accounts come with a chartfield number and are used to transfer fu...

Add User Permissions

Managers Guide Managing User Permissions

When logged in as a manager for a group it is possible to grant other users various levels of access to the groups that you control.  Permissions Disabled - Denies user access to your group. User - The default state of any users when a permission is creat...

Change User Permission

Managers Guide Managing User Permissions

When logged in as a manager for a group it is possible to grant other users various levels of access to the groups that you control.  Permissions Disabled - Denies user access to your group. User - The default state of any users when a permission is creat...

Approving an event order

Managers Guide Order Management

Group managers can alter the billing status of individual events from the calendar event details using the "Billing Status" dropdown and then clicking the "Update Event" button.  

Approving a single order

Managers Guide Order Management

Click on the "Manage" icon in the top bar Click on "Manage Approvals" Click on the button for the group that has the order to be approved Click on the order row you wish to approve Click on the "Approve" button

Batch approving orders

Managers Guide Order Management

Click on the "Manage" icon in the top bar Click on "Manage Approvals" Click on the button for the group that has the order to be approved Use the check boxes next to the order rows to select all orders that you wish to approve. You can also use the "Selec...

Adding a line item order batch

Managers Guide Order Management

For groups that need to add large numbers of line item orders there is a Batch Upload form available for managers. This can be accessed from the "Manage Approvals" interface. This will take you to the batch order upload interface. This interface allows m...

Altering an order

Managers Guide Order Management

Click on the "Manage" icon in the top bar Click on "Manage Approvals" Click on the button for the group that has the order to be approved Click on the order row you wish to edit Edit any details of the order you wish to change and then click the "Save" b...

Refund / Discount Process

Managers Guide Order Management

For historical reasons orders cannot be voided or deleted from the system. Occasionally mistakes are made and a refund must be issued. To do so a manager must submit a new order with a negative value to be processed with the next billing cycle. Process Go ...

Excluding an order

Managers Guide Order Management

Click on the "Manage" icon in the top bar Click on "Manage Approvals" Click on the button for the group that has the order to be approved Click on the order row you wish to approve Click on the "Exclude" button

Service Configuration Overview

Managers Guide Managing Services

Types The resource system supports 3 general types of services: Blue services can only be configured/created by a system administrator. Scheduled - Services that have a start time and ending time for each use. Per Hour - Services that charge based on t...

Scheduled Service Configuration

Managers Guide Managing Services

Scheduled services for the resource system represent an order for services that are intended to take place on a specific instrument at a given time. Schedules services may be configured to have as many selectable rates as desired. Configuration of a scheduled ...

Line Item Service Configuration

Managers Guide Managing Services

Line Item services for the resource system represent an order for services that have an item quantity and price per item. Generally this means that any service that is not a scheduled service is treated as a line item service. Configuration of a line item serv...

Order Form Service Configuration

Managers Guide Managing Services

Line Item services for the resource system represent an order for services that have an item quantity and price per item. Generally this means that any service that is not a scheduled service is treated as a line item service. Configuration of a line item serv...

Black Box Sample Processing Service Config

Managers Guide Managing Services

Black Box Sample Processing (BBSP) services for the resource system represent an order for services that have an item quantity and price per item. BBSP Services also include limited sample configuration and data storage ability. Creating a new service A new ...