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Request Charge Account Access

All orders created in the resource management system require an account to be charged against even if that order has a zero dollar value. Accounts come in 4 types:

  1. On Campus Accounts - These accounts come with a chartfield number and are used to transfer funds internally
  2. Off Campus Educational Accounts - These accounts are governed by federal intra-institution guideline and have a specific F&A rate automatically attached to them
  3. Commercial Accounts - These accounts are for outside entities that do work with the universities such as companies or non-profit organizations
  4. Dummy Accounts - These are internal placeholder accounts that automatically exclude any orders charged to them and are controlled by the cores administration office primarily to allow group managers to schedule time on their own equipment for downtime or maintenance.

Request Process

Users will be unable to order services in the system until they have an account permission attached to their user login. Users can request that an account permission be added to their account by going to and filing out a On-Campus or Off-Campus/Commercial Work Authorization form.

  1. Go to
  2. Select either "On Campus" if you are doing work for a department of the University of Utah or "Off Campus/Commercial" if you are an external entity.
  3. Fill out the form:
    1. Submitter Information - Your contact information
    2. PI/Approving Contact - The contact information for the person responsible for authorizing charges on the account in question
    3. Accounting Contact - The contact information of the person responsible for resolving issues with the account
    4. Any comments
    5. Add the list of users approved to be added/removed from the account. This includes anyone listed in the previous sections if they need authority to charge to the account in question.
  4. Submit the form

After submission the work authorization system will send an email to the individual listed as the approving contact. To ensure that they are ready to respond to this email it is recommended that they be notified prior to submitting the request. This person will be provided a link to open and review the submitted for approval or denial. If the request is approved then the cores administration office will be notified by email and the request processed. If denied the submitter will receive an email with the denial as the address provided.

After the admin office has processed the request they account access should be available immediately after processing. For questions about a submitted work authorization contact the cores admin office.