Recently Updated Pages
Order Form Service Configuration
Line Item services for the resource system represent an order for services that have an item quan...
Line Item Service Configuration
Line Item services for the resource system represent an order for services that have an item quan...
Scheduled Service Configuration
Scheduled services for the resource system represent an order for services that are intended to t...
Service Configuration Overview
Types The resource system supports 3 general types of services: Blue services can only be confi...
Auditing Overview
Users added as auditors in the system can access the "Site Information Audit" interface to review...
Available Reports and Formats
Formats Fixed Width Text File - Displayed as page CSV File - Downloaded as file Reports Li...
The cores resource system supports 3 different login formats: System Local Login SAML Support...
Lift Creation and Assignment
Following a design box session, SD2C will create large, medium, and small lifts with as much gran...
Subscribe! We send our newsletter (and some other Cell Imaging news) to subscribers to our email...
SD2C Kanboard Invite
For project management, the SD2C uses Kanboard. Each team member assigned to the project works o...
Reviewing Exisiting Orders
Submitting an Order
BOS Overview and General Navigation
Landing Page Logging In To BOS BOS utilizes the University of Utah's Duo authentication for l...
User Profile
BOS Session Configuration
BOS Session Configuration
User Profile
BOS Overview and General Navigation
User Profile
You can view and (partially) edit your own user information in BOS from the User Profile Page. Y...
BOS Session Configuration
You can update your BOS session configuration from the Session Configuration Page accessed by cli...