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Sanger Troubleshooting
Meaningful Information in your results folder: The Q20 is the number of bases having a Phred sco...
Sanger Sample Submission Guidelines
PCR Products Quantitate using a gel (nanodrop isn’t reliable with PCR products) For small tem...
Work Initialization
Work Initialization Work will be discussed within the SD2C. It begins with a Design Box Sess...
Post Project Survey
A survey will be sent out by the SD2C and HSC Cores asking PIs/Clients/Partners how the SD2C perf...
Wrap-up and Handoff Meetings
When the project is close to completion or needs to be transferred out of the SD2C, the director ...
PI/Client/Partner Feedback Meetings
Typically partner meetings are bi-weekly to give feedback throughout the semester. However this c...
Project Development Feedback
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged from stakeholders throughout development. This helps shape th...
Work Authorization Submission
The HSC Cores Work Authorization System is the billing/invoice/quote management system that is un...
Quote Finalization and Approval
Once quote is finalized and all parties are satisfied, quote acceptance will occur through partie...
Advanced Profile Wizard
A scan profile describes how the scan will be done (objectives, channels, exposures, etc). The A...