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Zeiss 880 Airy Scan

Location:CSC Room 032


Main features of Zeiss 880 Airy Scan System:

  • Five detectors, Three Photo Multipliers Tube (PMT) detectors and two GaSP detectors for enhanced sensitivity and dynamic range for 5 total fluorescent channels.
  • Transmitted light detector available for simultaneous brightfield imaging of samples while scanning confocally.
  • AIRY scan detector capable of super resolution imaging
  • Fast AIRY scan system for high speed super resolution imaging timelapse
  • Epifluorescence and DIC (Nomarski) illumination lamps for rapid sample identification and focusing.
  • Filter wheel used for epifluorescence viewing of sample is currently outfitted with with DAPI (blue), FITC (green), and TRITC (red), filter cube sets.
  • Laser autofocus system provides focal depth consistency across varying sample regions of interest.
  • Piezo Z stage for fast z acquisition
  • IBIDI stage top incubator with temperature, C02 and humidity. Plates and dishes with glass bottoms.

Imaging lasers:

  • 405nm diode laser
  • 488nm Argon gas laser
  • 561nm diode
  • 638nm diode

Suggested Applications:

  • Multichannel fluorescence and transmitted fixed slide imaging
  • Tiling mosaics of fixed or live samples
  • Timelapse of dishes or glass bottom well plates



Magnification Immersion Numerical Apperature Correction Ring Coverglass (mm) Working Distance (mm)
Plan Apo M27 5 Air 0.16
0.17 12.1
EC Plan-Neofluar M27 10 Air 0.3
0.17 5.2
Plan Apo M27 20 Air 0.8
0.17 0.55
Plan Apo M27 40 Oil 1.3
0.17 0.21
Plan Apo DIC M27 63 Oil 1.4
0.17 0.19
Calibration Apo DIC M27