Zeiss 880 Airy Scan
Location:CSC Room 032
Main features of Zeiss 880 Airy Scan System:
- Five detectors, Three Photo Multipliers Tube (PMT) detectors and two GaSP detectors for enhanced sensitivity and dynamic range for 5 total fluorescent channels.
- Transmitted light detector available for simultaneous brightfield imaging of samples while scanning confocally.
- AIRY scan detector capable of super resolution imaging
- Fast AIRY scan system for high speed super resolution imaging timelapse
- Epifluorescence and DIC (Nomarski) illumination lamps for rapid sample identification and focusing.
- Filter wheel used for epifluorescence viewing of sample is currently outfitted with with DAPI (blue), FITC (green), and TRITC (red), filter cube sets.
- Laser autofocus system provides focal depth consistency across varying sample regions of interest.
- Piezo Z stage for fast z acquisition
- IBIDI stage top incubator with temperature, C02 and humidity. Plates and dishes with glass bottoms.
Imaging lasers:
- 405nm diode laser
- 488nm Argon gas laser
- 561nm diode
- 638nm diode
Suggested Applications:
- Multichannel fluorescence and transmitted fixed slide imaging
- Tiling mosaics of fixed or live samples
- Timelapse of dishes or glass bottom well plates
- 4X
- 10X
- 20X
- 60X oil