Zeiss 700 Confocal Microscope
Location: HSC (Building 586) Room 56
Main features of Zeiss 700 System:
- Two Photo Multipliers Tube (PMT) detector unit enables simultaneous 12 bit (4096 intensity levels) acquisition of up to 4 fluorescent channels.
- Confocal scan head unit can provide high-resolution images up to 2048 x 2048 pixels in size.
- Fully automated Zeiss Observer Z1 inverted microscope.
- LED Epifluorescence and HAL100 Brightfield illumination lamps for rapid sample identification and focusing.
- Filter wheel used for epifluorescence viewing of the sample is currently outfitted with DAPI (coming soon), FITC (green), and Rhodamine (red), filter cube sets.
- Motorized XY stage with a variety of stage inserts available (slides, dishes, multiwall plates, etc..).
- Zeiss Zen Black multi-platform acquisition software.
- Measurements include: Z stack, Time lapse, Stitching/Tiling, XY positions, and Spectra unmixing
Imaging lasers:
- 405nm diode laser (coming soon)
- 488nm diode laser, 10mW
- 555nm diode laser, 10mW
- 639nm diode laser, 5mW
- 10X
- 20X
- 40X Water
- 63X Oil