Blood Hemoglobin Assay (Drabkins)
Drabkins Reagent
- Dissolve 1.0g NaHCO3, 0.05g KCN and 0.20g K3Fe(CN)6 in some water.
- Bring to 1.0L final volume.
- Store refrigerated.
Hemoglobin Assay (formation of cyanomethemoglobin)
- Pipet 5.0mL Drabkins reagent into a test tube.
- Add 20µL of red blood cell (RBC) lysate.
- Mix well and let stand 10min to 1h.
- Measure absorbance at 540nm.
- Duplicate samples should be within 0.01 AU of each other, otherwise, repeat.
- Use 20µL water instead of RBC lysate as zero blank.
E = 0.683 mL/mg
Concentration = (A540 / E)*dilution = mg/mL
Gm/100mL = gm%
The 20µL added to 5 mL makes a 251 dilution, appropriate for whole blood or lysates diluted up to 1/5; dilute further in case needed.