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July 2021 - June 2022



    1. Batot, Gaelle, CameronG., Metcalf, LauraC., Bell, AlbertoL., Pauletti, KarenA., Wilcox, andK., Sonja& Brö, S. (2022). A Model for Epilepsy of Infectious Etiology Usingusing Theiler’s Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus. Journal of Visualized Experiments, June 23, 2022..
    2. Cho, JaeJ. Min, Seul-KiM., Park, Oh SungS.-K., Kwon, D.O. TaylorS., La Salle, JamesD. T., Cerbie, CaitlinJ., Fermoyle, C. Fermoyle, DavidC., Morgan, etD., al.Nelson, A., Bledsoe, A., Bharath, L. P., Tandar, M., Kunapuli, S. P., Richardson, R. S., Anandh Babu, P. V., Mookherjee, S., Kishore, B. K., Wang, F., Yang, T., Boudina, S., … Symons, J. D. (2022). Activating P2Y1 Receptorsreceptors Improvesimproves Functionfunction in Arteriesarteries with Repressedrepressed Autophagy.”autophagy. Cardiovascular Research, April 14, 2022, cvac061.
    3. Fadul, John, TeresaJ., Zulueta-Coarasa, GloriaT., Slattum, G. M., Redd, N. M., Jin, M. Slattum,F., NadjaRedd, M. Redd,J., MauricioDaetwyler, FrancoS., Jin,Hedeen, MichaelD., Huisken, J., & Rosenblatt, J. Redd,(2021). StephanKRas-transformed Daetwyler,epithelia Daniellecells Hedeen, Jan Huisken,invade and Jodypartially Rosenblatt. “KRas-Transformed Epithelia Cells Invade and Partially Dedifferentiatededifferentiate by Basalbasal Cellcell Extrusion.”extrusion. Nature Communications, 12,12(1), no.Article 1 (December 10, 2021): 7180.1.
    4. Falekun, Seyi, JaimeS., Sepulveda, YasamanJ., Jami-Alahmadi, HahnbeomY., Park, JamesH., Wohlschlegel, J. A., & Sigala, P. A. Wohlschlegel,(2021). and Paul A. Sigala. “Divergent Acylacyl Carriercarrier Proteinprotein Decouplesdecouples Mitochondrialmitochondrial Fe-S Clustercluster Biogenesisbiogenesis from Fattyfatty Acidacid Synthesissynthesis in Malariamalaria Parasites.”parasites. eLife, 10 (October 6, 2021):, e71636.
    5. Ferrara, PatrickP. J., AnthonyVerkerke, A. R. P., Verkerke,Maschek, J. Alan Maschek, Justin L.A., Shahtout, PiyaratJ. L., Siripoksup, HiroakiP., Eshima, JordanH., Johnson, J. M., Petrocelli, J. J., Mahmassani, Z. S., Green, T. D., McClung, J. M., Cox, J. E., Drummond, M. Johnson,J., et& al.Funai, K. (2021). Low Lysophosphatidylcholinelysophosphatidylcholine Inducesinduces Skeletalskeletal Musclemuscle Myopathymyopathy Thatthat Isis Aggravatedaggravated by High-Fathigh-fat Dietdiet Feeding.”feeding. The FASEB Journal, 35, no. 10 35(2021):10), e21867.
    6. Figueroa, Karla, Collin J.K., Anderson, SharanC. J., Paul, WaruneeS., Dansithong, MandiW., Gandelman, Daniel R.M., Scoles, andD. StefanR., & Pulst, S. M. Pulst.(2022). Slc9a6 Mutationmutation Causescauses Purkinje Cellcell Lossloss and Ataxiaataxia in the Shakershaker rat Rat.”[Preprint]. Preprint. Neuroscience, March 29, 2022.Neuroscience.
    7. Fix, DennisD. K., Ekiz, H. AtakanA., Ekiz, JonathanPetrocelli, J. Petrocelli, Alec M.J., Mckenzie, ZiadA. S.M., Mahmassani, RyanZ. M.S., O’Connell, andR. MicahM., & Drummond, M. J. Drummond.(2021). Disrupted Macrophagemacrophage Metabolicmetabolic Reprogrammingreprogramming in Agedaged Soleussoleus Musclemuscle during Earlyearly Recoveryrecovery Followingfollowing Disusedisuse Atrophy.”atrophy. Aging Cell, 20, no. 9 20(September 2021)9).
    8. Fix, DennisD. K., ZiadMahmassani, Z. S., Mahmassani, JonathanPetrocelli, J. Petrocelli, Naomi M.M.P.J., de Hart, PatrickN. M. M. P., Ferrara, P. J., Painter, J. Ferrara, Jessie S. Painter, Gabriel, Nistor, Thomas E.G., Lane, HansT. S.E., Keirstead, andH. MicahS., & Drummond, M. J. Drummond.(2021). Reversal of Deficitsdeficits in Aged Skeletalaged skeletal Musclemuscle during Disusedisuse and Recoveryrecovery in Responseresponse to Treatmenttreatment with a Secrotomesecrotome Productproduct Derivedderived from Partiallypartially Differentiateddifferentiated Humanhuman Pluripotentpluripotent Stemstem Cells.”cells. GeroScience, 43, no. 6 43(December 1, 2021):6), 2635–52.2652.
    9. Guillen, KatrinK. P., Maihi Fujita, AndrewM., Butterfield, A. J., Scherer, S. D., Bailey, M. H., Chu, Z., DeRose, Y. S., Zhao, L., Cortes-Sanchez, E., Yang, C.-H., Toner, J., Wang, G., Qiao, Y., Huang, X., Greenland, J. Butterfield,A., SandraVahrenkamp, J. M., Lum, D. Scherer,H., MatthewFactor, H.R. Bailey,E., ZhengtaoNelson, Chu,E. YokoW., S. DeRose,Welm, etA. al.L. (2022). A Humanhuman Breastbreast Cancer-Derivedcancer-derived Xenograftxenograft and Organoidorganoid Platformplatform for Drugdrug Discoverydiscovery and Precisionprecision Oncology.”oncology. Nature Cancer, 3,3(2), no.Article 2 (February 2022): 232–50.2.
    10. Happ, JohnJ. T., CorvinArveseth, C. D., Bruystens, J., Bertinetti, D., Nelson, I. B., Olivieri, C., Hedeen, D. Arveseth,S., JessicaZhu, Bruystens,J.-F., DanielaCapener, Bertinetti,J. IsaacL., Bröckel, J. W., Vu, L., King, C. C., Ruiz-Perez, V. L., Veglia, G., Herberg, F. W., Taylor, S. S., & Myers, B. Nelson,R. Cristina(2021). Olivieri, Danielle S. Hedeen, et al. “A PKA Inhibitor Motif within Smoothened Controls Hedgehog Signal Transduction.”Transduction. bioRxiv, July 6, 2021.bioRxiv.
    11. Hill, JenniferJ. Hampton, Michelle SconceH., Massaquoi, EmilyM. GoersS., Sweeney, ElenaE. G., Wall, E. S., Jahl, P., Bell, R., Kallio, K., Derrick, D., Murtaugh, L. C., Parthasarathy, R., Remington, S. Wall,J., PhilipRound, Jahl,J. RickeshaL., Bell,& KarenGuillemin, Kallio,K. et(2022). al. “A Microbiotamicrobiota Membranemembrane Disrupterdisrupter Disseminatesdisseminates to the Pancreaspancreas and Increasesincreases β-Cellcell Mass.”mass bioRxiv, March 24,(p. 2022.03.24.485696). bioRxiv.
    12. Ingram, Kelley,K., ShielaSamson, S. C., Zewdu, R., Zitnay, R. G., Snyder, E. L., & Mendoza, M. C. Samson,(2022). Rediet Zewdu, Rebecca G. Zitnay, Eric L. Snyder, and Michelle C. Mendoza. “NKX2-1 Controlscontrols Lunglung Cancercancer Progressionprogression by Inducinginducing DUSP6 to Dampendampen ERK Activity.”activity. Oncogene, 41,41(2), no.Article 2 (January 2022): 293–300.2.
    13. Jensen, Owen, ShubhanshiO., Trivedi, JeremyS., Meier, J. D., Fairfax, K. C., Hale, J. S., & Leung, D. Meier, Keke C. Fairfax, J. Scott Hale, and Daniel T. Leung.(2022). A Subsetsubset of Follicularfollicular Helper-helper-like MAIT Cellscells Cancan Provideprovide B Cellcell Helphelp and Supportsupport Antibodyantibody Productionproduction in the Mucosa.”mucosa. Science Immunology, 7, no. 67 7(January 14, 2022):67), eabe8931.
    14. Kaur, Kamaljeet, RaziyeK., Mohammadpour, HamidrezaR., Ghandehari, Christopher A.H., Reilly, RobertC. A., Paine, andR., Kerry& Kelly, K. E. Kelly.(2022). Effect of Combustioncombustion Particleparticle Morphologymorphology on Biologicalbiological Responsesresponses in a Co-Cultureculture of Humanhuman Lunglung and Macrophagemacrophage Cells.”cells. Atmospheric Environment, 284 (September 1, 2022):, 119194.
    15. Kaur, Kamaljeet, RaziyeK., Mohammadpour, AnneR., Sturrock, HamidrezaA., Ghandehari, ChristopherH., Reilly, RobertC., Paine, andR., Kerry& Kelly, K. E. Kelly.(2022). Comparison of Biologicalbiological Responsesresponses between Submerged,submerged, Pseudo-Air-Liquidpseudo-air-liquid Interface,interface, and Air-Liquidair-liquid Interfaceinterface Exposureexposure of A549 and Differentiateddifferentiated THP-1 Co-Culturesco-cultures to Combustion-Derivedcombustion-derived Particles.”particles. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 57, no. 7 57(June 7, 2022):7), 540–51.551.
    16. Kursel, LisaL. E, Henry DE., Cope, andH. OferD., Rog.& Rog, O. (2021). Unconventional Conservationconservation Revealsreveals Structure-Functionstructure-function Relationshipsrelationships in the Synaptonemalsynaptonemal Complex.” Edited by Mia T Levine and Jessica K Tyler.complex. eLife, 10 (November 17, 2021):, e72061.
    17. LaBelle, StevenS. A., ShadDinkins, S. Dinkins, James B.S., Hoying, ElenaJ. V.B., Budko, AdamE. V., Rauff, HannahA., Strobel, H. A., Lin, A. Strobel,H., Allen& H.Weiss, Lin, and JeffreyJ. A. Weiss.(2022). Matrix Anisotropyanisotropy Promotespromotes Angiogenesisangiogenesis in a Density-Dependentdensity-dependent Manner.”manner. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 322, no. 5 322(May 1, 2022):5), H806–18.H818.
    18. Lai, Shu-ChinS.-C. Alicia, HarikaA., Gundlapalli, H. Atakan, Ekiz, AmandaH. A., Jiang, ElvelynA., Fernandez, andE., Alana& Welm, A. L. Welm.(2021). Blocking Short-Form Ron Eliminates Breast Cancer Metastases through Accumulation of Stem-Like CD4+ T Cells That Subvert Immunosuppression. Cancer Discovery, 11, no. 12 11(December 2, 2021):12), 3178–97.3197.
    19. Lam, Geanette, KatherineG., Beebe, andK., Carl& Thummel, C. S. Thummel.(2022). A Direct-Drivedirect-drive GFP Reporterreporter for Studiesstudies of Trachealtracheal Developmentdevelopment in Drosophila. Fly, 16, no. 1 16(December 31, 2022):1), 105–10.110.
    20. Lin, Yong, JelenaY., Perovanovic, YuelinJ., Kong, Botond Z.Y., Igyarto, SandraB. Z., Zurawski, DeanS., Tantin, GerardD., Zurawski, MariaG., Bettini, andM., Matthew& Bettini, M. L. Bettini.(2022). Antibody-Mediated Targeting of a Hybrid-Insulin-Peptide Towards Neonatal Thymic Langerin+ Cells Enhances T Cell Central Tolerance and Delays Autoimmune Diabetes. Diabetes, May 27, 2022, db211069.
    21. Liu, Hanwenheng, Spencer G.H., Gordon, andS. OferG., Rog.& Rog, O. (2021). Heterologous Synapsissynapsis in C. Eleganselegans Isis Regulatedregulated by Meioticmeiotic Double-Stranddouble-strand Breaksbreaks and Crossovers.”crossovers. Chromosoma, 130, no. 4 130(December 2021):4), 237–50.250.
    22. Marchetti, Marco, ChengeM., Zhang, andC., Bruce& Edgar, B. A. Edgar.(2021). An Improvedimproved Organorgan Explantexplant Cultureculture Methodmethod Revealsreveals Stemstem Cellcell Lineagelineage Dynamicsdynamics in the Adultadult Drosophila Intestine.”intestine. bioRxiv, December 19, 2021.bioRxiv.
    23. Mathew, Basil, Kari L.B., Aoyagi, andK. MarkL., & Fisher, M. A. Fisher.(2021). Yersinia Pestispestis Lipopolysaccharide Remodeling Confers Resistance to a Xenopsylla Cheopischeopis Cecropin. ACS Infectious Diseases, 7, no. 8 7(August 13, 2021):8), 2536–45.2545.
    24. McKenzie, AlecA. I., ZiadMahmassani, Z. S., Mahmassani, JonathanPetrocelli, J. Petrocelli,J., Naomide Hart, N. M. M. P. de Hart, Dennis K., Fix, PatrickD. K., Ferrara, P. J., LaStayo, P. C., Marcus, R. L., Rondina, M. T., Summers, S. A., Johnson, J. Ferrara,M., PaulTrinity, C.J. LaStayo,D., etFunai, al.K., & Drummond, M. J. (2022). Short-Termterm Exposureexposure to a Clinicalclinical Dosedose of Metforminmetformin Increasesincreases Skeletalskeletal Musclemuscle Mitochondrialmitochondrial H2O2 Emissionemission and Productionproduction in Healthy,healthy, Olderolder Adults:adults: A Randomizedrandomized Controlledcontrolled Trial.”trial. Experimental Gerontology, 163 (June 15, 2022):, 111804.
    25. Meng, Fanjing,F., BrittanyFleming, B. A., Jia, X., Rousek, A. Fleming, Xuan Jia, Alexis A. Rousek, Matthew A., Mulvey, andM. DianeA., & Ward, D. M. Ward.(2022). Lysosomal Ironiron Recyclingrecycling in Mousemouse Macrophagesmacrophages Isis Dependentdependent upon Bothboth LcytB and Steap3 Reductases.”reductases. Blood Advances, 6, no. 6 (March 14, 2022):6), 1692–1707.
    26. Nicholson, RebekahR. J, Annelise MJ., Poss, JA. AlanM., Maschek, JamesJ. EA., Cox, PaulJ. NE., Hopkins, StevenP. CN., Hunt, MaryS. CC., Playdon, WilliamM. LC., Holland, andW. ScottL., A& Summers.Summers, S. A. (2021). Characterizing a Common CERS2 Polymorphism in a Mouse Model of Metabolic Disease and in Subjects from the Utah CAD Study. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 106, no. 8 106(August 1, 2021):8), e3098–3109.e3109.
    27. Nie, Xichen,X., SarahMunyoki, S. K., Sukhwani, M., Schmid, N., Missel, A., Emery, B. R., DonorConnect, Stukenborg, J.-B., Mayerhofer, A., Orwig, K. Munyoki,E., MeenaAston, Sukhwani,K. NinaI., Schmid,Hotaling, AnnikaJ. Missel,M., BenjaminCairns, B. R., Emery,& DonorConnect,Guo, etJ. al.(2022). Single-Cellcell Analysisanalysis of Humanhuman Testistestis Agingaging and Correlationcorrelation with Elevatedelevated Bodybody Massmass Index.”index. Developmental Cell, 57, no. 9 57(May 9, 2022):9), 1160-1176.e5.
    28. Okada, Megan, KrithikaM., Rajaram, RussellK., Swift, R. P., Mixon, A., Maschek, J. A., Prigge, S. T., & Sigala, P. Swift, Amanda Mixon, John Alan Maschek, Sean T. Prigge, and Paul A. Sigala.(2022). Critical Rolerole for Isoprenoidsisoprenoids in Apicoplastapicoplast Biogenesisbiogenesis by Malariamalaria Parasites.”parasites. eLife, 11 (March 8, 2022):, e73208.
    29. Ost, KylaK. S., TeresaO’Meara, T. R., Stephens, W. Z., Chiaro, T., Zhou, H., Penman, J., Bell, R., Catanzaro, J. R., Song, D., Singh, S., Call, D. H., Hwang-Wong, E., Hanson, K. E., Valentine, J. F., Christensen, K. A., O’Connell, R. O’Meara,M., Cormack, B., Ibrahim, A. S., Palm, N. W., Zac Stephens,Round, TysonJ. Chiaro,L. Haoyang(2021). Zhou, Jourdan Penman, Rickesha Bell, et al. “Adaptive Immunityimmunity Inducesinduces Mutualismmutualism between Commensalcommensal Eukaryotes.”eukaryotes. Nature, 596, no. 7870 596(August 2021):7870), 114–18.118.
    30. Øvrebø, JanJ. Inge, Mary-RoseI., Bradley-Gill, NormanM.-R., Zielke, MinheeN., Kim, MarcoM., Marchetti, JonathanM., Bohlen, MeganJ., Lewis, MoniqueM., van Straaten, Nam-SungM., Moon, andN.-S., Bruce& Edgar, B. A. Edgar.(2022). Translational Controlcontrol of E2f1 Regulatesregulates the Drosophila Cellcell Cycle.”cycle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119, no. 4 119(January 25, 2022):4), e2113704119.
    31. Petrocelli, JonathanJ. J., ZiadMahmassani, Z. S. Mahmassani, Dennis K., Fix, JessieD. K., Montgomery, J. A., Reidy, P. T., McKenzie, A. Montgomery, Paul T. Reidy, Alec I. McKenzie, Naomi M., de Hart, etN. al.M., Ferrara, P. J., Kelley, J. J., Eshima, H., Funai, K., & Drummond, M. J. (2021). Metformin and Leucineleucine Increaseincrease Satellitesatellite Cellscells and Collagencollagen Remodelingremodeling during Disusedisuse and Recoveryrecovery in Agedaged Muscle.”muscle. The FASEB Journal, 35, no. 9 35(2021):9), e21862.
    32. Rheinemann, Lara, Diane MillerL., Downhour, KateD. M., Bredbenner, GaelleK., Mercenne, KristenG., Davenport, K. A., Schmitt, P. T., Necessary, C. R., McCullough, J., Schmitt, A. Davenport,P., PhuongSimon, TieuS. Schmitt,M., ChristinaSundquist, R.W. Necessary,I., et& al.Elde, N. C. (2021). RetroCHMP3 Blocksblocks Buddingbudding of Envelopedenveloped Virusesviruses without Blockingblocking Cytokinesis.”cytokinesis. Cell, 184, no. 21 184(October 14, 2021):21), 5419-5431.e16.
    33. Tamamouna, Vasilia,V., Rahman, M. Mahidur Rahman, MonikaM., Petersson, IriniM., Charalambous, KristinaI., Kux, HannahK., Mainor, VerenaH., Bolender, BuseV., Isbilir, Bruce A.B., Edgar, andB. ChrysoulaA., Pitsouli.& Pitsouli, C. (2021). Remodelling of Oxygen-Transportingoxygen-transporting Tracheolestracheoles Drivesdrives Intestinalintestinal Regenerationregeneration and Tumorigenesistumorigenesis in Drosophila. Nature Cell Biology, 23,23(5), no.Article 5 (May 2021): 497–510.5.
    34. Van Deren, DonnD. A., Shrutokirti De, BenS., Xu, KaylaB., Eschenbacher, K. M., Zhang, S., & Capecchi, M. Eschenbacher, Shuhua Zhang, and Mario R. Capecchi.(2022). Defining the Hoxb8 Cellcell Lineagelineage during Murinemurine Definitivedefinitive Hematopoiesis.”hematopoiesis. Development, 149, no. 8 149(April 15, 2022):8), dev200200.
    35. Wojtalewicz, Susan, JonathonS., Vizmeg, SierraJ., Erickson, CalebS., Lade, JillC., Shea, HimanshuJ., Sant, JulesH., Magda, BruceJ., Gale, JayantB., Agarwal, andJ., Brett& Davis.Davis, B. (2022). Evaluating the Influenceinfluence of Particleparticle Morphologymorphology and Densitydensity on the Viscosityviscosity and Injectabilityinjectability of a Novelnovel Long-Actinglong-acting Locallocal Anestheticanesthetic Suspension.”suspension. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, June 1, 2022, 8853282221106486.
    36. Xue, Qian,Q., SophiaVarady, S. R. S., Varady,Waddell, TrinityT. Q. Alaka’i Waddell, JamesA., Carrington, andJ., Minna& Roh-Johnson.Johnson, M. (2022). Focal Adhesion-Basedadhesion-based Cellcell Migrationmigration Isis Differentiallydifferentially Regulatedregulated in Vivovivo versus in Vitrovitro by Paxillin Phosphorylation.”phosphorylation. bioRxiv, March 4, 2022.bioRxiv.
    37. Yang, Guang, EthanG., Parker, BushraE., Gorsi, MarkB., Liebowitz, ColinM., Maguire, Jace B.C., King, HilaryJ. B., Coon, etH., al.Lopez-Larson, M., Anderson, J., Yandell, M., & Shcheglovitov, A. (2022). Neurite Outgrowthoutgrowth Deficitsdeficits Causedcaused by Rarerare PLXNB1 Mutationmutation in Pediatricpediatric Bipolarbipolar Disorder.”disorder Preprint.[Preprint]. Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, May 10, 2022.Psychology.
    38. Zhang, Peng, Alexia J.P., Katzaroff, LauraA. A.J., Buttitta, YiqinL. A., Ma, HuaqiY., Jiang, Derek W.H., Nickerson, JanD. IngeW., Øvrebø, andJ. BruceI., & Edgar, B. A. Edgar.(2021). The Krüppel-like Factorfactor Cabut Hashas Cellcell Cyclecycle Regulatoryregulatory Propertiesproperties Similarsimilar to E2F1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118, no. 7 118(February 16, 2021):7), e2015675118.
    39. Zhao, Helong, Anthony D.H., Pomicter, AnnaA. D., Eiring, A. M., Franzini, A., Ahmann, J., Hwang, J.-Y., Senina, A., Helton, B., Iyer, S., Yan, D., Khorashad, J. S., Zabriskie, M. Eiring,S., AncaAgarwal, Franzini,A., JonathanRedwine, Ahmann,H. Jae-YeonM., Hwang,Bowler, AnnaA. Senina,D., etClair, al.P. M., McWeeney, S. K., Druker, B. J., Tyner, J. W., … Deininger, M. W. (2022). MS4A3 Promotespromotes Differentiationdifferentiation in Chronicchronic Myeloidmyeloid Leukemialeukemia by Enhancingenhancing Commoncommon β-Chainchain Cytokinecytokine Receptorreceptor Endocytosis.”endocytosis. Blood, 139, no. 5 139(February 3, 2022):5), 761–78.778.