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Add User Permissions

When logged in as a manager for a group it is possible to grant other users various levels of access to the groups that you control. 


  1. Disabled - Denies user access to your group.
  2. User - The default state of any users when a permission is created or if no permission exists
  3. After Hours User - Allows the specified user to use scheduled services also marked as allowing after hours in after hours slots
  4. Manager - Allows the specified user to manage the group

Adding a Permission

  1. Select the group for which you have manager permissions:
  2. Click on the "Manage User Permissions" Button
  3. Search for the user by name to ensure that they do not already have a permission entry. If the user you are looking for does not existshow up in the search list click the "Add User" button and search for the name of the person you wish to add.ManageGroupPermissions-AddClick.png

  4. To add a new permission click on the "Add User" button on the row next to the user name.
  5. The user record will be added to the list of users with a default permission of "User". You can now set that user to any available permission via the dropdown next to their name.
  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for as many users as you want. When finished click the "X" in the top right corner of the dialog to close the dialog and return to the main page.