Core Facility Content Guide
In order to standardize available information and make it easier for existing and potential users to navigate the services available at the University of Utah the Health Science Core Facilities group maintains the main cores website. While individual facilities are encouraged to maintain their own web presence if desired the cores administration has establish a baseline set of content to be generated and maintained by the facility managers.
Required Sections
Facility Splash Banner
Facilities are responsible for working with the administrative office to produce or identify a representative graphic or image to be used as a banner/splash image. This image should be either an image of the facility location or a representation of the work performed by the facility.
Facility Overview / Description
Facilities are responsible for providing a 1-4 paragraph description of the facility and the general services / activities that it provides and/or supports. This copy should succinctly explain to users a short history of the facility and it's purpose. This overview should NOT include extensive details regarding specific processes or instructions for use or training
Facilities may additionally provide a short 1-2 sentence "blurb" to be used on space constrained lists/spaces to describe the focus of the facility. Facilities that do not provide this blurb will be listed by title only in such spaces.
Facility Rates and Services List
Facility managers will provide in the following format a list of all services regularly provided by their facility:
- Service / Instrument Name
- Internal Cost Basis
- External Commercial Rate
In addition facilities will provide their current Facilities and Administration Multiplier/Rate (F/A Rate) which will be used in conjunction with the Internal Cost Basis to establish the External Educational/Academic Rate.
Facilities that use the Cores Resource Management System will default to having this information provided automatically by the resource system. If a facility opts to maintain their service lists manually it will be the facilities responsibility to provide updated rates list to the website administrators on a regular basis (annually at minimum).
Training Documents / Facility Use Instructions
Facility managers are responsible for providing access to the instructions necessary for the use of their instrumentation. This documentation can be provided in the following formats:
- URL's to a facility managed document set for each instrument. If providing URL's it is responsibility of the facility to maintain the documentation and ensure it's availability.
- Full content of the training documents for inclusion in the main cores documentation repository (this site)
- (Optional and Discouraged) PDF's of any applicable documentation for serving from the main cores website
Facility managers may request access to the Cores Bookstack server (this website) for the writing and storage of their documentation. Access requests can be sent to Elliot Francis at
Contact Information
Facilities will provide the following for all public facing or user interfacing staff including facility directors:
- A high resolution professional quality photo of the individual in appropriate business attire
- The family and personal name of the individual in <Family>, <Personal> format or <Full Legal> where the prior does not apply.
- The job title of the position occupied
- A contact phone number for the individual. The facility contact phone number may be substituted where a University provided phone number / extension for the individual is unavailable. Personal phone numbers may be provided at the individual's discretion.
- A contact email for the individual. The facility contact email may be substituted where desired. Personal contact emails may NOT be substituted for a university provided email.
Where available facilities shall also provide a emergency contact name, phone number, and email address to be listed prominent on the facility contact page.
The Cores Administration office will be providing a photographer at the Cores Annual Retreat to take updated photos of staff/faculty. Please contact the cores admin office for more information.
Recent published/cited research publications and/or media mentions
Facilities will provide NIH formatted citations for all publications from the preceeding calendar year. Major historical citations from the last 10? years may also be provided to be featured at the top of the citations page. If desired the website administrators will work with the facility to list all historical citations by date.
Optional Sections
Media / Image Gallery
Where applicable facilities may provide imagery or other media for inclusion. Images should be scaled to a maximum size of 1024px in width. Images will be displayed in a scrolling grid format and should represent research output or notable facility attributes.