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CIHD Post Types


This is the default WordPress post type and is used for 'News' items.  Utilize this post type for announcements and messages and any news to be displayed on the site. 

Creating Posts

  • There is not a standard format or template for these types of posts.
  • It is useful to have a featured image assigned so that it can provide context and interest in the news grids.


This post type utilizes 'The Events Calendar' (TEC) WordPress plugin.  Event posts automatically have some event-specific meta data fields added to them such as: date, time, location, etc.  Events are displayed under the events calendar and on the sidebar where present.  The events calendar plugin provides functionality for users to subscribe to calendars or to save events to their own calendars.

Creating Events

  • There is not necessarily a standard format or template for these types of posts with the exception of Seminar Series Events
  • A featured image creates interest and visual appeal in the events lists, but it is not necessary
  • Make sure a timezone is correctly assigned - for example, the multiomics monday seminars take place at 4pm Eastern time. So New York should be selected in the TEC timezone dropdown.
  • For special events, you can mark them as 'featured' or 'sticky' to emphasize them or make sure they are always visible.

Seminar Series Events

  • A seminar series talk should be of post type Event and should be assigned the appropriate seminar in the Events Categories taxonomy.
  • When the above is implemented, the Seminar Series Fields will be visible and editable when editing the post.Seminar-Series-Fields.png
  • The Seminar Series Fields meeting date and time should be added in addition to the TEC date and time, and the values should match. 
  • Presenter Name should have their credentials following their name. For example: 'Jane Doe, PhD' or 'John Smith, MD, PhD'
  • The post Featured Image can be set to be the presenter's image.  This just makes it show up in some of the post grids and looks nice. 


Job Postings*



dsfThis post type represents all faculty and staff associated with CIHD.  The member list populates the Utah CIHD Team on the home page, the faculty list, the member list and the contact us page depending on the attributes assigned to each member in the 'Roles' box. 

Creating/Editing Members

  • There is not necessarily a standard format or template for these types of posts with the exception of Seminar Series Events

All starred post types are generated using the ACF Plugin