It is your responsibility to reserve the time you use. You must report usage variations (overages and cancellations) to Dr. Wang before the end of the month to reconcile charges. In order for your account to work it needs to have a valid chartfield assigned to it and the core office needs to approve. If you get an error about chartfields it means yours has expired or there isn’t a valid chartfield assigned to your account. The core offices (801-581-2425) can reauthorize your account should this occur.
Usage Policies
There are limits to the number of hours a lab or user may reserve at any given time (20 business hours per week total). Exceptions must be arranged with the imaging core committee. Users who need after hours access need to contact the Cell Imaging Team about access and sign a security form in the main office RM 5C124 of the School of Medicine.
Imaging Core Advisory Committee
The committee was established July 2011 and meets about every other month to discuss various issues including upgrades to equipment, problems with equipment, allocating confocal time to large scan projects requiring >24 hour scans and service priorities for the future. The most recent meeting date is listed in the news section for the core.
Users will be notified by Dr. Wang when they have violated posted core policies (oil on objectives, disregarding requests, logbook issues, not reserving time etc.) via email. The first offense they will receive email warning cc’d to the PI with a suggested remedy and a notice of the penalty schedule. Notice of the second offense will be sent by the oversight committee and copied to the PI with an invoice for a $250.00 penalty. The third notice will result in a $1000 penalty with review by the oversight committee for blocking future usage privileges. Users found without reservations will be charged the full rate plus be put on the list for a $250 fine for the second notice.
After Hours Usage
The new policy on after hours usage requires users to sign up for time in advance. Incidents of unregistered usage will be charged to the PI at $100/hr. No property of the core facility may leave the building without prior approval from core staff even for short experiments. If there is a problem in the facility after hours please contact the Cell Imaging Team.
Data Storage Issues
Our current data storage policy has been adopted to ensure that enough free space is available on hard drives for capture of new data. The Cell Imaging core is not responsible for storing your data. We actively delete data that is more than 90 days old. We are not responsible for data lost due to hard drive failures even within the 90 day period following creation dates. Acquisition instruments are not on the network to preserve security and reduce interference with the instruments. If you need a better data transfer solution please contact the staff for advice rather than leaving your only copy of data at the facility.